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Corporate Social Investment (CSI)/ Sponsor

Corporate South Africa has a vital role to play in bringing about meaningful change and improved conditions to impoverished, under-resourced and disadvantaged communities. In order to bring about sustainability and a lasting impact in the education sector we need companies and corporations to partner with us in making this happen.


How We Measure Impact:

We take measuring our impact seriously and ongoing quality assurance is a priority:

  • We have developed a purpose-built application called a “Checklist App” used by our field trainers to regularly collect data which are indicators of quality early learning delivery.
  • A baseline measurement of a sample of children in the centres is conducted and compared against universally accepted standards of development.
  • Before and after assessments are conducted of both the children and the centres.


We rely on evidence-based judgements of the social impact of our projects and therefore emphasize long term activities and not “snake-bite” interventions. Our monitoring is systematic, systemic and continuous so that adjustments can be made as needed to ensure the full impact of the programmes are maximised at whole school level.


Change the first five years of a child’s life, change everything


  • Sponsor one of our social impact projects: Library-in-every-School, Nursery-School-in-a-Box for under-resourced preschools, Vegetable Garden training, Zakhe Gap Year Intern Programme
  • The Play-with-a-Purpose Teacher Training and Mentorship Programme to go into a community and enable 10 Early Childhood Development Centres to provide the best education to their children.
  • Adopt a School for a Year.
  • Partner with Preschools 4 Africa as a Recipient for Events.
  • Sponsor one of our management development training workshops that we host for ECD centres throughout the year.
  • Monetary/Goods donations to Preschools 4 Africa are tax deductible under section 18a tax deductible certificates.


  •  Mandela Day
    • Renovate-a-Preschool (Makeover a disadvantaged preschool by giving it a fresh coat of paint, maintenance and providing new equipment)

A colourful school inspires learning!

    • Host an outing for a disadvantaged preschool to visit the zoo or botanical gardens.

Adopt a School for a Year

Help improve an under-resourced school for a year:

  • Preschool makeover.
  • ECD Training and Mentorship on the Play-with-a-Purpose Programme for all teachers including access to ongoing management training and ECD workshops
  • Nursery School-in-a-Box© for the school and training on it.
  • 4 outings for children.
  • 4 end of term parties for children.

Send a Child to School

Access to early education has a direct correlation to the crime rate and economy in a country according to research.

Be a part of the change! Many of the children we work with each day come from impoverished homes, child-led homes or are orphans- help make a difference in their lives and help send them to school for a year!

  • For as little as R100 per month you can help change a child’s life.
  • R7160 for full sponsorship of a child for a year includes: School fees assist, an outfit and shoes, a gift and cake for the child on their birthday.

Host a Fundraising Event

  • Golf Day
  • Ride for Preschools 4 Africa in a Cycle Challenge
  • Auction
  • Quiz Night
  • Any other fundraising events


Zakhe Gap Year Intern Programme:

  • Preschools 4 Africa runs a Gap Year programme called Zakhe which means “Grow Yourself”. It is intended for young people aged 18 – 23 years old.